Sagetv studio
Sagetv studio

sagetv studio
  1. #Sagetv studio license key
  2. #Sagetv studio hd media

Select the plus (+) symbol to add an additional license. To enter your license, on a Mac SageTV server system, go to System Preferences > SageTV > Licenses. Enter your license in the dialog that appears. To enter your license, on a Windows SageTV server system, go to the Windows Start button, then select All Programs > SageTV > Register SageTV Media Extender License.

#Sagetv studio license key

In order to use a SageTV Media Extender past the trial usage period, a license key must be entered on the SageTV server for each extender to be used simultaneously. Prior to SageTV Version 9, other extenders still needed a media extender license registered on the server. When using the SageTV STP-HD200 or STP-HD300 HD Theater with SageTV version 6.5 and later, there is no need to register a media extender license on the server. SageTV Version 9 and later does not need any license keys or registration. SageTV Media Extender support is built into the SageTV installation, so no extra steps are needed. Such a device is connected to the SageTV server PC via your computer’s local network and allows the SageTV User Interface to be used on another TV with just a small quiet device instead of a larger, noisier, computer.

#Sagetv studio hd media

Instead of building an entire computer to act as a SageTV Client, a Media Extender, such as the SageTV HD Theater (models STP-HD200 and STP-HD300), SageTV HD Media Extender (model STX-HD100), or the Hauppauge MediaMVP, may be used instead.

sagetv studio

  • 2.3 Using SageTV Studio with a Media Extender (optional).
  • 2.2 Restart MVP After Installing a SageTV Upgrade.
  • 1.3 SageTV HD Media Extender, model STX-HD100.
  • 1.2 SageTV HD Theater, models STP-HD200 and STP-HD300.
  • 1.1.3 Enable Connection to the Media Extender Server.
  • 1.1.1 Registering Media Extender Licenses.

  • Sagetv studio